Dizzy Spell – Abel (Track-By-Track Review)

Abel is an indie rock band from Columbus, OH composed of Isaac Kauffman (Vox & Guitar), John Martino (Vox & Guitar), Noah Fisher (Bass), Brynna Hilman (Guitar), and Ethan Donaldon (Drums). “We are three guitars, one bass, and one set of drums trying not to live in fear and somehow it’s getting better.” 

Abel’s third album, Dizzy Spell (released June 27, 2024 jointly on Julia’s War and Candlepin Records) blasts out the gate with noise-rock in lanes with Hotline TNT on the opening track, “Dust II.” As high speed riffage and chaotic concoctions of sound blare together, a sense of balance is found. We’re whispered into a lullaby of vocal hypnotics before getting lost in the instrumental.

Desperate singing comes from behind the mix on “Rut” as the angsty riffs come alive again and carry us through. As we delve deeper into the track, the sounds only get noisier. What more could you ask from noise rock?

We slow down a bit on Track 3; “We All Go To Heaven” trades in breakneck speeds for slowed down twangy slide guitars. The track rides that Alex G x villagerrr type beat while remaining individualistic in rhythm and rhyme.

Track 4, “Hexed” kicks it back up with raging riffs and blizzards of that noise rock goodness. As we sink into the sound, it holds us down like deep Ohio snowfall.

Track 5, “Occupied” lets the shoegaze reins go as waves gloss over the ears. Whines and slides zigzag throughout before the second wave hits and the guitars rocket off again.

Track 6, “Mantra” pulls out all the stops and let’s impassioned midwest emo vocals a la Joyce Manor ring through the track as guitars blare in the foreground. Repeaters and squealing feedback fill the air.

Track 7, “2020 three” is a flood of shoegazey guitars that swell up in lightning strikes. As they take us through the sky, storms of static chains steamroll over the track in mass destruction.

Track 8, “Placebo” features folkstar villagerrr in a tranquil yet somber midwest emo tale. Poignant plucking accompanies the line “wasted on / waiting on nothing.”

Track 9, “Wanna” takes Dizzy Spell for one last effect-filled victory lap atop perfect slack rock melodies. Distorted sounds erupt throughout the track until the lava reaches its base at the halfway mark. Then it’s guns blazing following one well placed chord strike. The sky rains down and it’s curtains for Dizzy Spell.

The turbulent and blistering instrumentals that soundtrack 90% of this album make this such a whirlwind of a listening experience; that last 10% is reserved for a quiet tranquility that stands apart from the rest. The vocal cuts throughout are incredibly raw- fitting for an emo – specifically midwest emo – approach to things. But don’t get it twisted. This is noise rock- and damn good noise rock at that. There’s so much personality to how these ideas are expressed throughout Dizzy Spell and it’s all very thoughtful and charming. I’m beyond eager to hear what comes next from the Columbus rockers.

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